I have loved every single one of the Bunch Courtney Investigation books, so I was very much looking forward to reading Deadly Plot. I knew I was in for a treat, and I wasn’t wrong.

In this book a body is found buried in a local allotment and Rose ‘Bunch’ Courtney is hired to help with the investigations, alongside her many other duties and responsibilities.

Bunch is a fabulous character. She’s determined she will not become a typical housewife and to be honest I doubt she’d even find the time. She very much needs to be busy. She is still grieving and trying to accept her own limitations whilst doing everything she can to support the war effort and help solve this most recent murder. I love how curious and intuitive she is. She is an asset to the team.

I love the relationship she has with her family and her colleagues. I do find her quite amusing at times. Her dedication to everything she does is admirable, especially considering the potential risks to her own life.

I love the language throughout this book and the setting. Obviously, I wasn’t alive during the war, and I’ve never been to Sussex, but this book transported me to that time and place. I was immersed in the story. There is such a diverse and fascinating cast of characters. I loved it!

If you love a good murder mystery, historical fiction, and/or books set during the war then look no further. If you’re new to the series though, start with book one, Winter Downs.

**Many thanks to Jan Edwards for my advance kindle copy for review**

When the body of Nario Costa is dug up in Wyncombe’s Victory Gardens, Bunch Courtney’s investigations unearth far more than an escaped POW!

What at first appears to be a cold case takes a darker turn as she uncovers links far beyond her Sussex home — and the body count begins to rise!

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Happy reading!

2 thoughts on “Deadly Plot (A Bunch Courtney Investigation Book 5) by Jan Edwards @Jancoledwards

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