I Know What You’ve Done

by Dorothy Koomson 

I Know What You’ve Done is the third book I’ve read by Dorothy Koomson. I’d be lying if I said it was my favourite so far, but it did keep me intrigued enough to really want to find out what was going on.

There are a lot of characters to keep track of. All of whom live in close proximity. It did make me wonder who could potentially be watching your every move. None of us knows what goes on with our neighbours behind closed doors.

Some of the character’s behaviour was difficult to understand, although none of us know how we would deal with a situation until you find yourself in said situation. I enjoyed the realistic variation of characters. I wouldn’t want to live in their street though!

I didn’t guess the twist at the end, but I can’t say I found it shocking either.

Overall, an enjoyable read but maybe a little underwhelming for what I expected. I will certainly be reading other books from Dorothy Koomson as I really enjoyed the first two books I read a while ago.



** I read I Know What You’ve Done as part of a buddy read with friends on Instagram. I read the paperback edition **

What if all your neighbours’ secrets landed in a diary on your doorstep?

What if the woman who gave it to you was murdered by one of the people in the diary?

What if the police asked if you knew anything?

Would you hand over the book of secrets?

Or … would you try to find out what everyone had done?

Happy reading!

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