This Happened to Jessica: A psychological suspense mystery (Secrets of Redemption Book 2)

by Michele PW (Pariza Wacek)

 I purchased This Happened to Jessica as soon as I finished book one, It Began With A Lie, as I had to find out if Becca would remember what happened the night Jessica disappeared.

Becca is doing her best to move on from all that has happened since she moved back to Redemption. It isn’t easy though when she still doesn’t remember what happened to Jessica. When further trauma hits the town, some residents blame Becca and her ‘weird’ aunt and she starts to believe she might be better off moving back to New York after all. She is determined to unlock her memories though.

I raced through this book. I’m really enjoying this series. I feel totally invested in the characters and their stories. I have purchased book three and will be starting it tonight.

** I purchased the Kindle edition on 1st April 2024 **

Happy reading!

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