The Island Love Song by Emma Cowell @EmmaCowellBooks #NetGalley

The Island Love Song

by Emma Cowell 

Wow! What can I say about The Island Love Song which would do it the justice it deserves!?

I could talk about it for hours to be honest with you, but I don’t want to spoil anything for anyone who hasn’t read it yet.

First, as I’ve said before, I’ve never been to Greece, but I honestly felt like I was in Greece whilst reading this novel. I felt the same when reading Emma Cowell’s previous novels. I would really, really love to go to Greece now and experience the beauty of the country Emma portrays so enticingly. The food sounds amazing also! I love that food plays its part throughout the story. I think I actually drooled at times. lol!

Anyway, this story is about sisters Ella and Georgia. They lost their Mum and are returning to Hydra to scatter her ashes in the sea. They have a rich history of happy memories with their mother there. As if that isn’t heart-wrenching enough, there has also been heartbreak for Ella and guilt for Georgia over secrets she’s carried for years.

The sisters are like chalk and cheese. Ella is very much a free spirit. Tied to nothing and no-one following an extremely traumatic experience. Georgia is the organised, dependable one, who’s life she has dedicated to her husband and bringing up their daughter, Phoenix. Neither of them is particularly happy though, nor have they had a close relationship, so coming together for two weeks on the Island of Hydra was never going to be straight forward.

I couldn’t wait to find out where their story would take me, and I was completely invested in the emotional journey I was taken on.

I liked Ella immediately and my heart broke for her as I learned what she had been through.

Georgia isn’t as easy to like, but I came to understand her more as the story progressed, and I did really feel for her in the end.

Phoenix is a beautiful character. Oh, to be so young and self-assured!

Harrison is a fascinating character and one I warmed to quickly despite his history with Ella.

There are other beautiful characters in this book too, all who add their own little something special.

This is a compelling tale about grieving sisters, the devastation secrets and lies can cause, the power of true love, and the true meaning of family.

I absolutely LOVED it! It’s just beautiful!

** A big thank you to the author and publisher for my review copy of The Island Love Song via NetGalley **


Escape to the beautiful Greek Island of Hydra with this moving novel, filled with family secrets and romance

Emma Cowell, author of THE HOUSE IN THE OLIVE GROVE, returns with her brand new, emotional and romantic novel set on an idyllic Greek Island.

Hydra, the picturesque Greek island, is a paradise for most, yet for sisters Ella and Georgia, it is a place where their darkest secrets dwell. And now the time has come for them to confront their past as they return to Greece to scatter their mother’s ashes.

Ella is haunted by a love song that was written for her by the man who broke her heart years earlier and she longs to find peace so she can move on with her life.

Georgia pretends everything in her life is perfect, but she is plagued with guilt. If what she’s kept hidden for decades was revealed, their family would never be the same again.

The island is urging the sisters to confront the truth, but can they build a future on the ruins of their past?

Buy it immediately!!!

Happy reading!

I Know What You’ve Done by Dorothy Koomson 

I Know What You’ve Done

by Dorothy Koomson 

I Know What You’ve Done is the third book I’ve read by Dorothy Koomson. I’d be lying if I said it was my favourite so far, but it did keep me intrigued enough to really want to find out what was going on.

There are a lot of characters to keep track of. All of whom live in close proximity. It did make me wonder who could potentially be watching your every move. None of us knows what goes on with our neighbours behind closed doors.

Some of the character’s behaviour was difficult to understand, although none of us know how we would deal with a situation until you find yourself in said situation. I enjoyed the realistic variation of characters. I wouldn’t want to live in their street though!

I didn’t guess the twist at the end, but I can’t say I found it shocking either.

Overall, an enjoyable read but maybe a little underwhelming for what I expected. I will certainly be reading other books from Dorothy Koomson as I really enjoyed the first two books I read a while ago.

** I read I Know What You’ve Done as part of a buddy read with friends on Instagram. I read the paperback edition **

What if all your neighbours’ secrets landed in a diary on your doorstep?

What if the woman who gave it to you was murdered by one of the people in the diary?

What if the police asked if you knew anything?

Would you hand over the book of secrets?

Or … would you try to find out what everyone had done?

Happy reading!

The Reckoning (Secrets of Redemption Book 5) by Michele PW (Pariza Wacek)

The Reckoning (Secrets of Redemption Book 5)

by Michele PW (Pariza Wacek)

The Reckoning is another excellent read in the Secrets of Redemption series. It is the second book centred around Charlie’s story and it answers a lot of questions!

Another book full of suspense and tension. I can’t seem to get enough of this series. I’m already reading book 6! I look forward to picking my kindle back up each evening to see what might happen next.

It’s a long time since I read a series of books one after the other, but I am really invested in these characters and their stories.


Happy reading!

It Began With a Lie (Secrets of Redemption Book 1) by Michele PW (Pariza Wacek) @MichelePW

It Began With a Lie (Secrets of Redemption Book 1)

by Michele PW (Pariza Wacek) 

It Began With A Lie had waited patiently in my kindle library for a while but I am so glad I finally got to reading it. I was completely gripped from the very beginning.

When we meet Becca, she is moving into her aunt’s old house (which she has inherited) in Redemption, Wisconsin, with her husband and sixteen-year-old stepdaughter, Chrissy. It’s a temporary move whilst her husband sorts out his business, then the plan is to sell the house and move back to New York to continue with the life they know and love.

Rarely in this life though do things go that smoothly to plan.

There is an underlying tension throughout this book from the very beginning and it made me feel uneasy as I read it. I found myself thinking about it during the day when I wasn’t reading it and couldn’t wait to see where the story might lead. Becca is a likeable character, but I did wonder why she put up with so much from her husband. He came across as controlling and undermining and I didn’t like him at all. His daughter wasn’t much better to start with. A typical teenage girl/stepmother relationship though it seemed. When she starts to sleepwalk though…. I found these scenes really creepy.

And what happened fifteen years previously that Becca has been unable to remember since?

This was such an intriguing story, full of tension and suspense. The characters are brilliantly written, and I love the supernatural aspects of the story. I’m not sure I’d be brave enough to stay in that house after the first unexplainable incident. Becca is a tough nut though. She must be with everything she goes through.

I enjoyed this book so much that I bought book two and started it straight away. I rarely do that.

** I purchased the Kindle edition of this book on 16th July 2019 **

Happy reading!

Mission Black by Mick Williams @mickwilliamsau2

Mission Black

by Mick Williams


If you’re looking to get your teeth in to a new crime thriller series, full of action, and clever plot lines, then look no further!

Mission Black is the first in a new series by Mick Williams and it is quite simply awesome!

I love Fr. Black. He’s a fabulous character and one I can’t wait to catch up with again in book 2. He’s ex-military turned priest which I find an interesting change of career for a start. He’s a charismatic character and obviously still has a certain appeal with the ladies. Maybe more so because he’s off limits, but he sounds quite easy on the eye too.

This book has two kickass female characters, Lyndsey, and Emmy.

Lyndsey is also ex-military but now devotes her time to Fr. Black’s church as his treasurer, amongst other things. As a church treasurer myself I could relate to her from a church finance perspective but that’s pretty much where our similarities end. Lol! I certainly wouldn’t argue with her. I love the professional relationship and friendship that they obviously share.

Emmy is a truly inspiring character. When Fr. Black finds himself working alongside Emmy it’s easy to see how she might test his faith. He’s true to his vows, but they do grow to be quite fond of each other within a short timeframe. They are thrown into a volatile and dangerous situation together but make a great team. I’d want them on my team. The banter between them is hilarious at times too. I hope to see more of Emmy in book 2.

The humour throughout this book is typical of Mick Williams’ writing and I love it!

I’m so excited that this is the first of a brand-new series. I can’t recommend it highly enough.

(Review written 12th July 2022)

Happy reading!

Old Farts Club, Mick Williams @mickwilliamsau2

Hi, I just wanted to make you all aware of these excellent books by Mick Williams….

I was lucky enough to have read very early copies of these quite some time ago and because I’m an idiot I neglected to write proper reviews for them at the time.

I can, however, confirm that I thoroughly enjoyed them both and very much recommend that you add them to your reading list.

I intend to re-read them at some point and update my review(s). Apologies to Mick for being so disorganised. Thank you so much for sending me ARCs. I do genuinely appreciate having the opportunity to read your books way in advance of the general public 🙂

Anyway, here are the details you need folks….

The Old Farts Club returns in the explosive sequel to the award-winning debut, Exodus.

A sniper’s bullet buzzes the ear of retired bomb disposal expert, John McIntyre, leaving his colleague dead in the street.

When McIntyre discovers the sniper was only the first part of a kill-team sent to stop their investigation into mysterious happenings in the North Sea, he calls in a favor from an old military friend, English, the latest recruit of The Old Farts Club.

While The Club heads overseas to help McIntyre, a purse snatching at home leads Dud’s wife, Evie, and her sister on a chase across the country to confront the thief – a journey that develops into an adventure more perilous and chilling at every turn.

But when the guys find themselves isolated in unchartered waters, and the girls realize the stakes are much higher than they expected, both will have to call on outside help if they are to have any chance of survival.

Will the mission closest to home turn out to be their most dangerous yet?
Sarge and Numbers head to the sleepy town of Berding’s Pointe, Indiana, for the funeral of a friend and fellow veteran, only to find that everything has changed.

The once peaceful town is now gripped with fear and riddled with corruption.
What starts as a protection racket escalates into full-blown violence. A sinister cult, preparing to make a huge sacrifice, is slowly taking over. The authorities don’t care, and the residents are helpless.

When the sacrifice looms closer and people go missing, the town needs an army.
All they have is The Club.

Can Sarge and the rag-tag gang save their friends before the death toll rises and the entire town is taken?

The Old Farts Club returns in ‘Man Down’, the third book in the award-winning action thriller series.

For page-turning excitement, the comradery of military veterans, and epic fights of good vs evil, pick up Man Down and join The Club today!

New to the series?

Start here….

Jamaica: a Caribbean paradise fraught with unseen danger.

The Old Farts Club: a small group of mixed-age military veterans with various ‘skills’ who frequent a local fast food joint to swap stories and trade tales.

During a dream Jamaican vacation, Danny ‘Dud’ Wilkerson is devastated when, after a seemingly random accident, his wife Evie vanishes.

The Montego Bay police force insists on a seventy-two hour wait before anyone is officially considered missing. With concrete evidence of her disappearance, Dud can’t wait and, faced with a race against time to find his wife, calls on The Old Farts Club to join him in paradise to track her down.

About Mick Williams….

Mick Williams moved from Stoke-On-Trent, England to Kentucky, USA. Then, after almost a decade, he moved back. Then, after three years, he moved back again.

This time he’s staying.

In between reading, writing and listening to good music he still watches proper football and, for his sins, follows his local team, Port Vale. He does also still cheer for the Indianapolis Colts.

He was adopted by two cats, Crash and Thud, and resides with his patient wife (who is also tiring of moving!) in Kentucky.

Opens profile photo

Happy reading!